• We create software for energy developers and asset managers

  • Our data-driven software encompasses our experience and international standards to improve governance, reporting and ultimately project yields

  • Need an asset manager to improve project returns? Talk to Amberside

  • We provide a full accounting service for companies and special purpose vehicles

  • Contact our team to learn more



systems managed


projects originated


Amberside creates software for developers and asset managers.

Our software has been successfully implemented on our own businesses first, enabling us to ensure they work efficiently and effectively in a real-world environment.

We have created many tools including:

  • A tool that estimates available grid capacity (currently covers Great Britain)
  • Lead generation information for energy projects
  • CRM for developers
  • Asset Management Software (linking to most SCADA systems in the energy market)

Please contact us for more information

Many operational assets in the UK are not achieving their full potential due to avoidable errors in management, putting the landowner rental and asset owner revenue at risk.

We are a data-driven business that maintains a technical bias to our work, striving to ensure that each asset is optimised to deliver against its expectations.

Our team has extensive experience in technical due diligence, data & analytics, financial modelling, accounting, process control and understanding of international and local electrical standards (IEC and BSI).

This, combined with prior experience managing assets for blue-chip companies means increasingly becoming the manager of choice.


Marc Scambler


David Scrivens


Joe Miletic

MD, Amberside Management Solutions

Our team have the knowledge and skills to deliver support services to energy investors. Based on over 40 years combined experience in the senior team, Amberside Energy delivers scopes of work tailored to what is most useful to our clients, without unnecessary time and cost.

Couple the resource flexibility with Amberside Energy’s unique way of getting ‘under the bonnet’ of a plant, it’s easy to see why more and more investors are asking us to look after their assets and make a difference to their bottom line.

It is often the case that ‘doing nothing’ is often more costly than employing a competent solution, so once engaged, we’re confident that it won’t take long for you to see why walking the Amberside path is a safe and efficient route to success, so why not get in touch?


Contact Address: 
Amberside Energy Ltd, 
9 Amberside House, 
Wood Lane, 
Hemel Hempstead, 
HP2 4TP, 
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 330 2210 626

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